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Emotion UI 3.0 ROM for Lava Iris X8

Emotion UI ROM aka EMUI 3.0 is now out for your Iris X8. You can download this ROM from the link mentioned below. This ROM is ported by Kiranveer Singh.

Emotion UI is the custom ROM based on Android Kitkat v4.4 made by Huawei for their manufactured smartphones. EMUI, in comparison to other ROM is much more lighter, fast and secured ROM comes with very handy options which can be useful to keep your smartphone secure.

Please note - you need to revert back to KitKat to flash this ROM. Follow this tutorial to get this work done.

   Ported by - Kiranveer singh

   Forum Post - XDA Forum Post

   Website of Porter - N/A

Original Post - 
After flashing it flash this little patch:- link below
Its Kitkat based rom. So first move back to kitkat using sp flash tool.
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Screenshots - 

emui 3.0 rom for iris x8

emui 3.0 rom for iris x8

emui 3.0 rom for iris x8

emui 3.0 rom for iris x8

emui 3.0 rom for iris x8

To install Emotion UI ROM follow the below steps - 

  1. Charger your phone battery to minimum 50%
  2. Backup all your data using Titanium Backup
  3. Put the downloaded ROM in SD card root
  4. Enter into recovery mod using Mobileuncle Tools or Power + Volume Up key (after shutdown)
  5. Tap on Wipe Menu
  6. Tap on Wipe All data - Preflash
  7. Tap on Factory Reset
  8. Tap Wipe Cache, tap Wipe dalvic cache
  9. Press Back Soft Key
  10.  Click Install zip from SD card
  11. Click Choose Zip, to browse SD card and choose the .zip folder
  12. Flash the ROM

Download ROM from below link - Please note direct link has been changed as per porter request, don't worry you can still download ROM ;)